Source code for geeViz.changeDetectionLib

Apply change detection methods usin GEE

geeViz.changeDetectionLib is the core module for setting up various change detection algorithms within GEE. Notably, it facilitates the use of LandTrendr and CCDC data preparation, application, and output formatting, compression, and decompression. 

   Copyright 2025 Ian Housman, Leah Campbell, Josh Heyer

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

# Script to help with basic change detection
# Intended to work within the geeViz package
# Adapted from changeDetectionLib.js

from geeViz.getImagesLib import *
import sys, math, ee
from datetime import datetime

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#             Image and array manipulation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
lossYearPalette = "ffffe5,fff7bc,fee391,fec44f,fe9929,ec7014,cc4c02".split(",")
lossMagPalette = "D00,F5DEB3".split(",")
gainYearPalette = "c5ee93,00a398".split(",")
gainMagPalette = "F5DEB3,006400".split(",")
changeDurationPalette = "BD1600,E2F400,0C2780".split(",")

# Helper to multiply image
def multBands(img, distDir, by=1):
    out = img.multiply(ee.Image(distDir).multiply(by))
    out = ee.Image(out.copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]).copyProperties(img))
    return out

# Default run params for LandTrendr
default_lt_run_params = {
    "maxSegments": 6,
    "spikeThreshold": 0.9,
    "vertexCountOvershoot": 3,
    "preventOneYearRecovery": True,
    "recoveryThreshold": 0.25,
    "pvalThreshold": 0.05,
    "bestModelProportion": 0.75,
    "minObservationsNeeded": 6,

# Helper to multiply new baselearner format values (LandTrendr & Verdet) by the appropriate amount when importing
# Duration is the only band that does not get multiplied by 0.0001 upon import.
def LT_VT_multBands(img):
    fitted =".*_fitted").multiply(0.0001)
    slope =".*_slope").multiply(0.0001)
    diff =".*_diff").multiply(0.0001)
    mag =".*_mag").multiply(0.0001)
    dur =".*_dur")
    out = dur.addBands(fitted).addBands(slope).addBands(diff).addBands(mag)
    out = out.copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]).copyProperties(img)
    return out

def addToImage(img, howMuch):
    out = img.add(ee.Image(howMuch))
    out = ee.Image(out.copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]).copyProperties(img))
    return out

# Used when masking out pixels that don't have sufficient data for Landtrendr and Verdet
def nullFinder(img, countMask):
    m = img.mask()
    # Allow areas with insufficient data to be included, but then set to a dummy value for later masking
    m = m.Or(countMask.Not())
    img = img.mask(m)
    img = img.where(countMask.Not(), -32768)
    return img

# Function to convert an image array object to collection
def arrayToTimeSeries(tsArray, yearsArray, possibleYears, bandName):
    # Set up dummy image for handling null values
    noDateValue = -32768
    dummyImage = ee.Image(noDateValue).toArray()

    # Iterate across years
    def applyMasks(yr):
        yr = ee.Number(yr)

        # Pull out given year
        yrMask = yearsArray.eq(yr)

        # Mask array for that given year
        masked = tsArray.arrayMask(yrMask)

        # Find null pixels
        l = masked.arrayLength(0)

        # Fill null values and convert to regular image
        masked = masked.where(l.eq(0), dummyImage).arrayGet([-1])

        # Remask nulls
        masked = masked.updateMask(masked.neq(noDateValue)).rename([bandName]).set("system:time_start", ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 6, 1).millis())

        return masked

    tsC = yr: applyMasks(yr))

    return ee.ImageCollection(tsC)


# ----- function to extract greatest disturbance based on spectral delta between vertices
def extractDisturbance(lt, distDir, params, mmu):
    # select only the vertices that represents a change
    vertexMask = lt.arraySlice(0, 3, 4)  # get the vertex - yes(1)/no(0) dimension
    vertices = lt.arrayMask(vertexMask)  # convert the 0's to masked

    # numberOfVertices = vertexMask.arrayReduce(ee.Reducer.sum(),[1]).arrayProject([1]).arrayFlatten([['vertexCount']])
    # secondMask = numberOfVertices.gte(3)
    # thirdMask = numberOfVertices.gte(4)
    # Map.addLayer(numberOfVertices,{min:2,max:4},'number of vertices',false)
    # construct segment start and end point years and index values
    left = vertices.arraySlice(1, 0, -1)  # slice out the vertices as the start of segments
    right = vertices.arraySlice(1, 1, None)  # slice out the vertices as the end of segments
    startYear = left.arraySlice(0, 0, 1)  # get year dimension of LT data from the segment start vertices
    startVal = left.arraySlice(0, 2, 3)  # get spectral index dimension of LT data from the segment start vertices
    endYear = right.arraySlice(0, 0, 1)  # get year dimension of LT data from the segment end vertices
    endVal = right.arraySlice(0, 2, 3)  # get spectral index dimension of LT data from the segment end vertices

    dur = endYear.subtract(startYear)  # subtract the segment start year from the segment end year to calculate the duration of segments
    mag = endVal.subtract(startVal)  # substract the segment start index value from the segment end index value to calculate the delta of segments

    # concatenate segment start year, delta, duration, and starting spectral index value to an array
    distImg =[startYear.add(1), mag, dur, startVal.multiply(-1)]).toArray(
    )  # make an image of segment attributes - multiply by the distDir parameter to re-orient the spectral index if it was flipped for segmentation - do it here so that the subtraction to calculate segment delta in the above line is consistent - add 1 to the detection year, because the vertex year is not the first year that change is detected, it is the following year

    # sort the segments in the disturbance attribute image delta by spectral index change delta
    distImgSorted = distImg.arraySort(mag.multiply(-1))

    # slice out the first (greatest) delta
    tempDistImg1 = distImgSorted.arraySlice(1, 0, 1).unmask(ee.Image(ee.Array([[0], [0], [0], [0]])))
    tempDistImg2 = distImgSorted.arraySlice(1, 1, 2).unmask(ee.Image(ee.Array([[0], [0], [0], [0]])))
    tempDistImg3 = distImgSorted.arraySlice(1, 2, 3).unmask(ee.Image(ee.Array([[0], [0], [0], [0]])))

    # make an image from the array of attributes for the greatest disturbance
    finalDistImg1 = tempDistImg1.arrayProject([0]).arrayFlatten([["yod", "mag", "dur", "preval"]])
    finalDistImg2 = tempDistImg2.arrayProject([0]).arrayFlatten([["yod", "mag", "dur", "preval"]])
    finalDistImg3 = tempDistImg3.arrayProject([0]).arrayFlatten([["yod", "mag", "dur", "preval"]])

    # filter out disturbances based on user settings
    def filterDisturbances(finalDistImg):
        # threshold = ee.Image(['dur']))                        # get the disturbance band out to apply duration dynamic disturbance magnitude threshold
        #       .multiply((params.tree_loss20 - params.tree_loss1) / 19.0)  # ...
        #       .add(params.tree_loss1)                                     #    ...interpolate the magnitude threshold over years between a 1-year mag thresh and a 20-year mag thresh
        #       .lte(['mag']))                          # disturbance less then equal to the interpolated, duration dynamic disturbance magnitude threshold
        #       .and(['mag']).gt(0))                    # and is greater than 0
        #       .and(['preval']).gt(params.pre_val))
        longTermDisturbance =["dur"]).gte(15)
        longTermThreshold =["mag"]).gte(params["tree_loss20"]).And(longTermDisturbance)
        threshold =["mag"]).gte(params["tree_loss1"])

        return finalDistImg.updateMask(threshold.Or(longTermThreshold))

    finalDistImg1 = filterDisturbances(finalDistImg1)
    finalDistImg2 = filterDisturbances(finalDistImg2)
    finalDistImg3 = filterDisturbances(finalDistImg3)

    def applyMMU(finalDistImg):
        # patchify based on disturbances having the same year of detection
        # count the number of pixel in a candidate patch
        mmuPatches =["yod.*"]).int16().connectedPixelCount(mmu, True).gte(mmu)  # are the the number of pixels per candidate patch greater than user-defined minimum mapping unit?
        return finalDistImg.updateMask(mmuPatches)  # mask the pixels/patches that are less than minimum mapping unit

    # patchify the remaining disturbance pixels using a minimum mapping unit
    if mmu > 1:
        print("Applying mmu:" + str(mmu) + " to LANDTRENDR heuristic outputs")

        finalDistImg1 = applyMMU(finalDistImg1)
        finalDistImg2 = applyMMU(finalDistImg2)
        finalDistImg3 = applyMMU(finalDistImg3)

    return finalDistImg1.addBands(finalDistImg2).addBands(finalDistImg3)  # return the filtered greatest disturbance attribute image

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#             LandTrendr Code
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Landtrendr code taken from users/emaprlab/public

def getLTvertStack(LTresult, run_params):
    emptyArray = []  # make empty array to hold another array whose length will vary depending on maxSegments parameter
    vertLabels = []  # make empty array to hold band names whose length will vary depending on maxSegments parameter
    # iString                                      # initialize variable to hold vertex number
    # loop through the maximum number of vertices in segmentation and fill empty arrays:
    for i in range(1, run_params["maxSegments"] + 2):
        vertLabels.append("vert_" + str(i))  # define vertex number as string, make a band name for given vertex
        emptyArray.append(0)  # fill in emptyArray

    zeros = ee.Image(
                emptyArray,  # make an image to fill holes in result 'LandTrendr' array where vertices found is not equal to maxSegments parameter plus 1

    lbls = [
        ["yrs_", "src_", "fit_"],
    ]  # labels for 2 dimensions of the array that will be cast to each other in the final step of creating the vertice output

    vmask = LTresult.arraySlice(
        0, 3, 4
    )  # slices out the 4th row of a 4 row x N col (N = number of years in annual stack) matrix, which identifies vertices - contains only 0s and 1s, where 1 is a vertex (referring to spectral-temporal segmentation) year and 0 is not

    # Line by line comments taken from call below
    # .arrayMask uses the sliced out isVert row as a mask to only include vertice in this data - after this a pixel will only contain as many "bands" are there are vertices for that pixel - min of 2 to max of 7.
    # .arraySlice()...from the vertOnly data subset slice out the vert year row, raw spectral row, and fitted spectral row
    # .addBands() # ...adds the 3 row x 7 col 'zeros' matrix as a band to the vertOnly array - this is an intermediate step to the goal of filling in the vertOnly data so that there are 7 vertice slots represented in the data - right now there is a mix of lengths from 2 to 7
    # .toArray() # ...concatenates the 3 row x 7 col 'zeros' matrix band to the vertOnly data so that there are at least 7 vertice slots represented - in most cases there are now > 7 slots filled but those will be truncated in the next step
    # .arraySlice()...before this line runs the array has 3 rows and between 9 and 14 cols depending on how many vertices were found during segmentation for a given pixel. this step truncates the cols at 7 (the max verts allowed) so we are left with a 3 row X 7 col array
    # .arrayFlatten()...this takes the 2-d array and makes it 1-d by stacking the unique sets of rows and cols into bands. there will be 7 bands (vertices) for vertYear, followed by 7 bands (vertices) for rawVert, followed by 7 bands (vertices) for fittedVert, according to the 'lbls' list
    ltVertStack = LTresult.arrayMask(vmask).arraySlice(0, 0, 3).addBands(zeros).toArray(1).arraySlice(1, 0, run_params["maxSegments"] + 1).arrayFlatten(lbls, "")

    return ltVertStack  # return the stack

# Adapted version for converting sorted array to image
def getLTStack(LTresult, maxVertices, bandNames):

    nBands = len(bandNames)
    emptyArray = []  # make empty array to hold another array whose length will vary depending on maxSegments parameter
    vertLabels = []  # make empty array to hold band names whose length will vary depending on maxSegments parameter
    for i in range(1, maxVertices + 1):  # loop through the maximum number of vertices in segmentation and fill empty arrays
        vertLabels.append(str(i))  # make a band name for given vertex
        emptyArray.append(-32768)  # fill in emptyArray

    # Set up empty array list
    emptyArrayList = []
    for i in range(1, nBands + 1):

    zeros = ee.Image(ee.Array(emptyArrayList))  # make an image to fill holes in result 'LandTrendr' array where vertices found is not equal to maxSegments parameter plus 1

    lbls = [
    ]  # labels for 2 dimensions of the array that will be cast to each other in the final step of creating the vertice output

    # slices out the 4th row of a 4 row x N col (N = number of years in annual stack) matrix, which identifies vertices - contains only 0s and 1s, where 1 is a vertex (referring to spectral-temporal segmentation) year and 0 is not

    ltVertStack = LTresult.addBands(zeros).toArray(1).arraySlice(1, 0, maxVertices).arrayFlatten(lbls, "")
    # Line by line comments taken from call above
    # LTresult:                       # uses the sliced out isVert row as a mask to only include vertice in this data - after this a pixel will only contain as many "bands" are there are vertices for that pixel - min of 2 to max of 7.
    # .addBands(zeros):               # ...adds the 3 row x 7 col 'zeros' matrix as a band to the vertOnly array - this is an intermediate step to the goal of filling in the vertOnly data so that there are 7 vertice slots represented in the data - right now there is a mix of lengths from 2 to 7
    # .toArray(1):                    # ...concatenates the 3 row x 7 col 'zeros' matrix band to the vertOnly data so that there are at least 7 vertice slots represented - in most cases there are now > 7 slots filled but those will be truncated in the next step
    # .arraySlice(1, 0, maxVertices): # ...before this line runs the array has 3 rows and between 9 and 14 cols depending on how many vertices were found during segmentation for a given pixel. this step truncates the cols at 7 (the max verts allowed) so we are left with a 3 row X 7 col array
    # .arrayFlatten(lbls, ''):        # ...this takes the 2-d array and makes it 1-d by stacking the unique sets of rows and cols into bands. there will be 7 bands (vertices) for vertYear, followed by 7 bands (vertices) for rawVert, followed by 7 bands (vertices) for fittedVert, according to the 'lbls' list
    return ltVertStack.updateMask(ltVertStack.neq(-32768))

# Function to remove non vertex info from raw image array format from LandTrendr.
# E.g. if an output is [1985,1990,2020],[500,450,320],[500,510,320],[1,0,1], the output will be [1985,2020],[500,320]
# This is the equivalent to the vert stack functions by keeps outputs in image array format
def rawLTToVertices(rawLT, indexName=None, multBy=10000, vertexNoData=-32768):
    if indexName != None:
            distDir = changeDirDict[indexName]
            distDir = -1
        distDir = -1
    ltArray =["LandTrendr"])
    rmse =["rmse"]).multiply(multBy)
    vertices = ltArray.arraySlice(0, 3, 4)
    ltArray = ltArray.arrayMask(vertices)
    minObservationsNeededMask = ltArray.arraySlice(0, 1, 2).arraySlice(1, 0, 1).neq(vertexNoData).arrayProject([0]).arrayFlatten([["test"]])

    ltArray = ltArray.arrayMask(ee.Image(ee.Array([[1], [0], [1], [0]])))
    l = ltArray.arrayLength(1)
    multImg = ee.Image(ee.Array([[1], [distDir * multBy]])).arrayRepeat(1, l)
    ltArray = ltArray.multiply(multImg)
    return ltArray.addBands(rmse).updateMask(minObservationsNeededMask)

# Function to wrap landtrendr processing
def landtrendrWrapper(
    # startYear = 1984#ee.Date(ee.Image(processedComposites.first()).get('system:time_start')).get('year').getInfo()
    # endYear = 2017#ee.Date(ee.Image(processedComposites.sort('system:time_start',false).first()).get('system:time_start')).get('year').getInfo()
    noDataValue = 32768
    if distDir == 1:
        noDataValue = -1.0 * noDataValue

    # ----- RUN LANDTRENDR -----
    ltCollection = img: ee.Image(multBands(img, distDir, 1)))  # .unmask(noDataValue)

    # Map.addLayer(ltCollection,{},'ltCollection',false)
    run_params["timeSeries"] = ltCollection  # add LT collection to the segmentation run parameter object
    lt = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.LandTrendr(**run_params)  # run LandTrendr spectral temporal segmentation algorithm


    # run the dist extract function
    distImg = extractDisturbance("LandTrendr"), distDir, distParams, mmu)
    distImgBandNames = distImg.bandNames()
    distImgBandNames = bn: ee.String(indexName).cat("_").cat(bn))
    distImg = distImg.rename(distImgBandNames)

    # Convert to collection
    rawLT =[0])
    ltYear = rawLT.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayProject([1])
    ltFitted = rawLT.arraySlice(0, 2, 3).arrayProject([1])
    if distDir == -1:
        ltFitted = ltFitted.multiply(-1)

    fittedCollection = arrayToTimeSeries(ltFitted, ltYear, ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear), "LT_Fitted_" + indexName)

    # Convert to single image
    vertStack = getLTvertStack(rawLT, run_params)
    return [lt, distImg, fittedCollection, vertStack]

# Function to join raw time series with fitted time series from LANDTRENDR
# Takes the rawTs as an imageCollection, lt is the first band of the output from LANDTRENDR, and the distDir
# is the direction of change for a loss in vegeation for the chosen band/index
def getRawAndFittedLT(rawTs, lt, startYear, endYear, indexName="Band", distDir=-1):

    # Pop off years and fitted values
    ltYear = lt.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayProject([1])
    ltFitted = lt.arraySlice(0, 2, 3).arrayProject([1])

    # Flip fitted values if needed
    if distDir == -1:
        ltFitted = ltFitted.multiply(-1)

    # Convert array to an imageCollection
    fittedCollection = arrayToTimeSeries(ltFitted, ltYear, ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear), "LT_Fitted_" + indexName)

    # Join raw time series with fitted
    joinedTS = joinCollections(rawTs, fittedCollection)

    return joinedTS

# 2023 rework to run LT in its most simple form
# Gets rid of handling :
#   Insufficient obs counts, no data handling,
#   Exporting of band stack format (assumes image array format for output)

# Function to mask out the non vertex and original values
# Simplified version of rawLTToVertices
def simpleRawLTToVertices(rawLT):
    # Pull off rmse
    rmse =["rmse"])
    # Mask out non vertex values to use less storage space
    ltArray =["LandTrendr"])
    vertices = ltArray.arraySlice(0, 3, 4)
    ltArray = ltArray.arrayMask(vertices)

    # Mask out all but the year and vertex fited values (get rid of the raw and vertex rows)
    return ltArray.arrayMask(ee.Image(ee.Array([[1], [0], [1], [0]]))).addBands(rmse)

# Function to multiply the LandTrendr RMSE and vertex array
# Assumes LTMaskNonVertices has already been run
def multLT(rawLT, multBy):
    # Pull off rmse
    rmse =["rmse"]).multiply(multBy).abs()
    # Ensure only the LandTrendr array output
    ltArray =["LandTrendr"])
    # Form an image to multiply by
    l = ltArray.arrayLength(1)
    multImg = ee.Image(ee.Array([[1], [multBy]])).arrayRepeat(1, l)
    return ltArray.multiply(multImg).addBands(rmse)

# Function to simplify LandTrendr output for exporting
def LTExportPrep(rawLT, multBy=10000):
    rawLT = simpleRawLTToVertices(rawLT)
    rawLT = multLT(rawLT, multBy)
    return rawLT

# New function 11/23 to simplify running of LandTrendr
# and prepping outputs for export
def runLANDTRENDR(ts, bandName, run_params=None):
    # Get single band time series and set its direction so that a loss in veg/moisture is going up
    ts =[bandName])
        distDir = changeDirDict[bandName]
        distDir = -1
    ts = img: multBands(img, 1, distDir))

    # Set up run params
    if run_params == None:
        run_params = default_lt_run_params
    run_params["timeSeries"] = ts

    rawLT = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.LandTrendr(**run_params)

    # Get vertex-only fitted values and multiply the fitted values
    return LTExportPrep(rawLT, distDir).set("band", bandName).set("run_params", run_params)

# Pulled from simpleLANDTRENDR below to take the lossGain dictionary and prep it for export
def LTLossGainExportPrep(lossGainDict, indexName="Bn", multBy=10000):
    lossStack = lossGainDict["lossStack"]
    gainStack = lossGainDict["gainStack"]

    # Convert to byte/int16 if possible to save space
    lossThematic =[".*_yr_.*"]).int16().addBands([".*_dur_.*"]).byte())
    lossContinuous =[".*_mag_.*", ".*_slope_.*"]).multiply(multBy)
    if abs(multBy) == 10000:
        lossContinuous = lossContinuous.int16()

    lossStack = lossThematic.addBands(lossContinuous)

    gainThematic =[".*_yr_.*"]).int16().addBands([".*_dur_.*"]).byte())
    gainContinuous =[".*_mag_.*", ".*_slope_.*"]).multiply(multBy)
    if abs(multBy) == 10000:
        gainContinuous = gainContinuous.int16()

    gainStack = gainThematic.addBands(gainContinuous)
    outStack = lossStack.addBands(gainStack)

    # Add indexName to bandnames
    bns = outStack.bandNames()
    outBns = bn: ee.String(indexName).cat("_LT_").cat(bn))
    return outStack.rename(outBns)

# Pulled from simpleLANDTRENDR below to take prepped (must run LTLossGainExportPrep first) lossGain stack and view it
def addLossGainToMap(
    if indexName == None or howManyToPull == None:
        bns = lossGainStack.bandNames().getInfo()
        indexName = bns[0].split("_")[0]
        howManyToPull = list(set([int(bn.split("_")[-1]) for bn in bns]))
        howManyToPull = list(range(1, howManyToPull + 1))
    # Set up viz params
    vizParamsLossYear = {"min": startYear, "max": endYear, "palette": lossYearPalette}
    vizParamsLossMag = {"min": lossMagMin, "max": lossMagMax, "palette": lossMagPalette}

    vizParamsGainYear = {"min": startYear, "max": endYear, "palette": gainYearPalette}
    vizParamsGainMag = {"min": gainMagMin, "max": gainMagMax, "palette": gainMagPalette}

    vizParamsDuration = {
        "min": 1,
        "legendLabelLeftAfter": "year",
        "legendLabelRightAfter": "years",
        "max": 5,
        "palette": changeDurationPalette,

    for i in howManyToPull:

        lossStackI =[".*_loss_.*_" + str(i)])
        lossStackYrMaskI =[".*_loss_yr.*"]).gte(startYear).And([".*_loss_yr.*"]).lte(endYear))
        lossStackI = lossStackI.updateMask(lossStackYrMaskI)

        gainStackI =[".*_gain_.*_" + str(i)])
        gainStackYrMaskI =[".*_gain_yr.*"]).gte(startYear).And([".*_gain_yr.*"]).lte(endYear))
        gainStackI = gainStackI.updateMask(gainStackYrMaskI)

        showLossYear = False
        if i == 1:
            showLossYear = True

        iString = f"{i} "
        if howManyToPull == [1]:
            iString = ""

            "LandTrendr " + iString + indexName + " Loss Year",
            "LandTrendr " + iString + indexName + " Loss Magnitude",
            "LandTrendr " + iString + indexName + " Loss Duration",

            "LandTrendr " + iString + indexName + " Gain Year",
            "LandTrendr " + iString + indexName + " Gain Magnitude",
            "LandTrendr " + iString + indexName + " Gain Duration",

# Function for running LT, thresholding the segments for both loss and gain, sort them, and convert them to an image stack
# July 2019 LSC: replaced some parts of workflow with functions in changeDetectionLib
[docs] def simpleLANDTRENDR( ts, startYear, endYear, indexName="NBR", run_params=None, lossMagThresh=-0.15, lossSlopeThresh=-0.1, gainMagThresh=0.1, gainSlopeThresh=0.1, slowLossDurationThresh=3, chooseWhichLoss="largest", chooseWhichGain="largest", addToMap=True, howManyToPull=2, multBy=10000, ): """ Takes annual time series input data, properly sets it up for LandTrendr, runs LandTrendr, and provides both a compressed vertex-only format output as well as a basic change detection output. """ if run_params == None: run_params = default_lt_run_params ts = lt = runLANDTRENDR(ts, indexName, run_params) try: distDir = changeDirDict[indexName] except: distDir = -1 ltTS = simpleLTFit( lt, startYear, endYear, indexName=indexName, arrayMode=True, maxSegs=run_params["maxSegments"], ) joinedTS = joinCollections(ts,[".*_LT_fitted"])) # Flip the output back around if needed to do change detection ltRawPositiveForChange = multLT(lt, distDir) # Take the LT output and detect change lossGainDict = convertToLossGain( ltRawPositiveForChange, "arrayLandTrendr", lossMagThresh, lossSlopeThresh, gainMagThresh, gainSlopeThresh, slowLossDurationThresh, chooseWhichLoss, chooseWhichGain, howManyToPull, ) # Prep loss gain dictionary into multi-band image ready for exporting lossGainStack = LTLossGainExportPrep(lossGainDict, indexName, multBy) # Add the change outputs to the map if specified to do so if addToMap: Map.addLayer(joinedTS, {"opacity": 0}, "Raw and Fitted Time Series", True) addLossGainToMap( lossGainStack, startYear, endYear, (lossMagThresh - 0.7) * multBy, lossMagThresh * multBy, gainMagThresh * multBy, (gainMagThresh + 0.7) * multBy, indexName, howManyToPull, ) return [multLT(lt, multBy), lossGainStack]
######################################################################################################### ######################################################################################################### # Function to prep data following our workflows. Will have to run Landtrendr and convert to stack after. def prepTimeSeriesForLandTrendr(ts, indexName, run_params): maxSegments = ee.Number(run_params["maxSegments"]) # Get single band time series and set its direction so that a loss in veg is going up ts =[indexName]) distDir = changeDirDict[indexName] tsT = img: multBands(img, 1, distDir)) # Find areas with insufficient data to run LANDTRENDR countMask = tsT.count().unmask().gte(run_params["minObservationsNeeded"]) # Mask areas identified by countMask tsT = img: nullFinder(img, countMask)) run_params["timeSeries"] = tsT countMask = countMask.rename("insufficientDataMask") prepDict = {"run_params": run_params, "countMask": countMask} return prepDict # This function outputs Landtrendr as a vertical stack and adds properties about the run. def LANDTRENDRVertStack(composites, indexName, run_params, startYear, endYear): creationDate = datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d") composites = composites.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(startYear, endYear, "year")) # Prep Time Series and put into run parameters prepDict = prepTimeSeriesForLandTrendr(composites, indexName, run_params) run_params = prepDict["run_params"] countMask = prepDict["countMask"] # Run LANDTRENDR rawLt = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.LandTrendr(**run_params) # Map.addLayer(rawLt,{},'raw lt {}-{}'.format(startYear,endYear)) # Convert to image stack lt =[0]) ltStack = ee.Image(getLTvertStack(lt, run_params)).updateMask(countMask) ltStack ="yrs.*").addBands("fit.*")) rmse =[1]).rename("rmse") ltStack = ltStack.addBands(rmse) # Undo distdir change done in prepTimeSeriesForLandtrendr() ltStack = applyDistDir_vertStack(ltStack, changeDirDict[indexName], "landtrendr") # Set Properties ltStack = ltStack.set( { "startYear": startYear, "endYear": endYear, "band": indexName, "creationDate": creationDate, "maxSegments": run_params["maxSegments"], "spikeThreshold": run_params["spikeThreshold"], "vertexCountOvershoot": run_params["vertexCountOvershoot"], "recoveryThreshold": run_params["recoveryThreshold"], "pvalThreshold": run_params["pvalThreshold"], "bestModelProportion": run_params["bestModelProportion"], "minObservationsNeeded": run_params["minObservationsNeeded"], } ) return ee.Image(ltStack) #############################################/ # Function for running LANDTRENDR and converting output to annual image collection # with the fitted value, duration, magnitude, slope, and diff for the segment for each given year def LANDTRENDRFitMagSlopeDiffCollection(ts, indexName, run_params): startYear = ee.Date(ts.first().get("system:time_start")).get("year") endYear = ee.Date(ts.sort("system:time_start", False).first().get("system:time_start")).get("year") # Run LandTrendr and convert to VertStack format ltStack = ee.Image(LANDTRENDRVertStack(ts, indexName, run_params, startYear, endYear)) ltStack = ee.Image(LT_VT_vertStack_multBands(ltStack, "landtrendr", 10000)) # Convert to durFitMagSlope format durFitMagSlope = convertStack_To_DurFitMagSlope(ltStack, "LT") return durFitMagSlope # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions for both Verdet and Landtrendr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper to multiply new baselearner format values (LandTrendr & Verdet) by the appropriate amount when importing # Duration is the only band that does not get multiplied by 0.0001 upon import. # img = landtrendr or verdet image in fitMagDurSlope format # multBy = 10000 (to prep for export) or 0.0001 (after import) def LT_VT_multBands(img, multBy): fitted =".*_fitted").multiply(multBy) slope =".*_slope").multiply(multBy) diff =".*_diff").multiply(multBy) mag =".*_mag").multiply(multBy) dur =".*_dur") out = dur.addBands(fitted).addBands(slope).addBands(diff).addBands(mag) out = out.copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]).copyProperties(img) return out # Function to apply the Direction of a decrease in photosynthetic vegetation to Landtrendr or Verdet vertStack format # img = vertStack image for one band, e.g. "NBR" # verdet_or_landtrendr = 'verdet' or 'landtrendr' # distDir = from getImagesLib.changeDirDict def applyDistDir_vertStack(stack, distDir, verdet_or_landtrendr): years ="yrs.*") fitted ="fit.*").multiply(distDir) out = years.addBands(fitted) if verdet_or_landtrendr == "landtrendr": rmse ="rmse") out = out.addBands(rmse) out = out.copyProperties(stack, ["system:time_start"]).copyProperties(stack) return out # Helper to multiply vertStack bands by the appropriate amount before exporting (multBy = 10000) # or after importing (multBy = 0.0001) # img = vertStack image for one band, e.g. "NBR" # verdet_or_landtrendr = 'verdet' or 'landtrendr' # multBy = 10000 or 0.0001 def LT_VT_vertStack_multBands(img, verdet_or_landtrendr, multBy): years ="yrs.*") fitted ="fit.*").multiply(multBy) out = years.addBands(fitted) if verdet_or_landtrendr == "landtrendr": rmse ="rmse").multiply(multBy) out = out.addBands(rmse) out = out.copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]).copyProperties(img) return out # Simplified method to convert LANDTRENDR stack to annual collection of # Duration, fitted, magnitude, slope, and diff # Improved handling of start year delay found in older method def simpleLTFit(ltStack, startYear, endYear, indexName="bn", arrayMode=True, maxSegs=6, multBy=1): indexName = ee.String(indexName) # Set up output band names outBns = ["_LT_dur"),"_LT_fitted"),"_LT_mag"),"_LT_slope"),"_LT_diff"), ] # Separate years and fitted values of vertices if arrayMode: ltStack =[0]) zeros = ee.Image(ee.Array([0]).repeat(0, maxSegs + 2)) yrBns = ["yrs_{}".format(i) for i in range(1, maxSegs + 2)] fitBns = ["fit_{}".format(i) for i in range(1, maxSegs + 2)] yrs = ltStack.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayProject([1]).arrayCat(zeros, 0).arraySlice(0, 0, maxSegs + 1).arrayFlatten([yrBns]).selfMask() fit = ltStack.arraySlice(0, 1, 2).arrayProject([1]).arrayCat(zeros, 0).arraySlice(0, 0, maxSegs + 1).arrayFlatten([fitBns]).updateMask(yrs.mask()) else: yrs ="yrs_.*").selfMask() fit ="fit_.*").updateMask(yrs.mask()) fit = fit.multiply(multBy) # Find the first and last vertex years isStartYear = yrs.reduce(ee.Reducer.firstNonNull()) isEndYear = yrs.reduce(ee.Reducer.lastNonNull()) blankMask = yrs.gte(100000) # Iterate across each year to find the values for that year def getYearValues(yr): yr = ee.Number(yr) # Find the segment the year belongs to # Handle whether the year is the same as the first vertex year startYrMask = blankMask startYrMask = startYrMask.where(isStartYear.eq(yr), yrs.lte(yr)) startYrMask = startYrMask.where(, # Handle whether the year is the same as the last vertex year endYrMask = blankMask endYrMask = endYrMask.where(isStartYear.eq(yr), endYrMask = endYrMask.where(, yrs.gte(yr)) # Get fitted values for the vertices segment the year is within fitStart = fit.updateMask(startYrMask).reduce(ee.Reducer.lastNonNull()) fitEnd = fit.updateMask(endYrMask).reduce(ee.Reducer.firstNonNull()) # Get start and end year for the vertices segment the year is within yearStart = yrs.updateMask(startYrMask).reduce(ee.Reducer.lastNonNull()) yearEnd = yrs.updateMask(endYrMask).reduce(ee.Reducer.firstNonNull()) # Get the difference and duration of the segment segDiff = fitEnd.subtract(fitStart) segDur = yearEnd.subtract(yearStart) # Get the varius annual derivatives tDiff = ee.Image(yr).subtract(yearStart) segSlope = segDiff.divide(segDur) fitDiff = segSlope.multiply(tDiff) fitted = fitStart.add(fitDiff) formatted =[segDur, fitted, segDiff, segSlope, fitDiff]).rename(outBns).set("system:time_start", ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 6, 1).millis()) return formatted out = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear).map(lambda yr: getYearValues(yr))) return out # Wrapper function to iterate across multiple LT band/index values def batchSimpleLTFit( ltStacks, startYear, endYear, indexNames=None, bandPropertyName="band", arrayMode=True, maxSegs=6, multBy=1, mosaicReducer=ee.Reducer.lastNonNull(), ): # Get band/index names if not provided if indexNames == None: indexNames = ltStacks.aggregate_histogram(bandPropertyName).keys().getInfo() # Iterate across each band/index and get the fitted, mag, slope, etc lt_fit = None for bn in indexNames: ltt = ltStacks.filter(ee.Filter.eq(bandPropertyName, bn)) bns = ltt.first().bandNames() ltt = ltt.reduce(mosaicReducer).rename(bns) if lt_fit == None: lt_fit = simpleLTFit(ltt, startYear, endYear, bn, arrayMode, maxSegs, multBy) else: lt_fit = joinCollections( lt_fit, simpleLTFit(ltt, startYear, endYear, bn, arrayMode, maxSegs, multBy), False, ) return lt_fit # Function to parse stack from LANDTRENDR or VERDET into image collection # July 2019 LSC: multiply(distDir) and multiply(10000) now take place outside of this function, # but must be done BEFORE stack is passed to this function def fitStackToCollection(stack, maxSegments, startYear, endYear): # Parse into annual fitted, duration, magnitude, and slope images # Iterate across each possible segment and find its fitted end value, duration, magnitude, and slope def segmentLooper(i): i = ee.Number(i) # Set up slector for left and right side of segments stringSelectLeft = ee.String(".*_").cat(i.byte().format()) stringSelectRight = ee.String(".*_").cat((i.add(1)).byte().format()) # Get the left and right bands into separate images stackLeft =[stringSelectLeft]) stackRight =[stringSelectRight]) # Select off the year bands segYearsLeft =["yrs_.*"]).rename(["year_left"]) segYearsRight =["yrs_.*"]).rename(["year_right"]) # Select off the fitted bands and flip them if they were flipped for use in LT segFitLeft =["fit_.*"]).rename(["fitted"]) segFitRight =["fit_.*"]).rename(["fitted"]) # Comput duration, magnitude, and then slope segDur = segYearsRight.subtract(segYearsLeft).rename(["dur"]) segMag = segFitRight.subtract(segFitLeft).rename(["mag"]) segSlope = segMag.divide(segDur).rename(["slope"]) # Iterate across each year to see if the year is within a given segment # All annualizing is done from the right vertex backward # The first year of the time series is inserted manually with an if statement # Ex: If the first segment goes from 1984-1990 and the second from 1990-1997, the duration, magnitude,and slope # values from the first segment will be given to 1984-1990, while the second segment (and any subsequent segment) # the duration, magnitude, and slope values will be given from 1991-1997 def annualizer(yr): yr = ee.Number(yr) yrImage = ee.Image(yr) # Find if the year is the first and include the left year if it is # Otherwise, do not include the left year yrImage = ee.Algorithms.If( yr.eq(startYear), yrImage.updateMask(segYearsLeft.lte(yr).And(segYearsRight.gte(yr))), yrImage.updateMask(, ) yrImage = ee.Image(yrImage).rename(["yr"]).int16() # Mask out the duration, magnitude, slope, and fit raster for the given year mask yrDur = segDur.updateMask(yrImage) yrMag = segMag.updateMask(yrImage) yrSlope = segSlope.updateMask(yrImage) yrFit = segFitRight.subtract(yrSlope.multiply(segYearsRight.subtract(yr))).updateMask(yrImage) # Get the difference from the diffFromLeft = yrFit.subtract(segFitLeft).updateMask(yrImage).rename(["diff"]) # relativeDiffFromLeft = diffFromLeft.divide(segMag.abs()).updateMask(yrImage).rename(['rel_yr_diff_left']).multiply(10000) # diffFromRight =yrFit.subtract(segFitRight).updateMask(yrImage).rename(['yr_diff_right']) # relativeDiffFromRight = diffFromRight.divide(segMag.abs()).updateMask(yrImage).rename(['rel_yr_diff_right']).multiply(10000) # Stack it up out = yrDur.addBands(yrFit).addBands(yrMag).addBands(yrSlope).addBands(diffFromLeft) out = out.set("system:time_start", ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 6, 1).millis()) return out annualCollection = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear).map(lambda yr: annualizer(yr))) return annualCollection yrDurMagSlope = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List.sequence(1, maxSegments).map(lambda i: segmentLooper(i))) # Convert to an image collection yrDurMagSlope = ee.ImageCollection(yrDurMagSlope.flatten()) # Collapse each given year to the single segment with data def cleaner(yrDurMagSlope, yr): yrDurMagSlopeT = yrDurMagSlope.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yr, yr, "year")).mosaic() yrDurMagSlopeT = yrDurMagSlopeT.set("system:time_start", ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 6, 1).millis()) return yrDurMagSlopeT yrDurMagSlopeCleaned = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear).map(lambda yr: cleaner(yrDurMagSlope, yr))) return yrDurMagSlopeCleaned # Convert image collection created using LANDTRENDRVertStack() to the same format as that created by # LANDTRENDRFitMagSlopeDiffCollection(). Also works for Verdet Stack. # VTorLT is the string that is put in the band names, 'LT' or 'VT' def convertStack_To_DurFitMagSlope(stackCollection, VTorLT): stackList = stackCollection.first().bandNames() if "rmse" in stackList.getInfo(): stackList.remove("rmse") stackCollection = # Prep parameters for fitStackToCollection maxSegments = stackCollection.first().get("maxSegments") startYear = stackCollection.first().get("startYear") endYear = stackCollection.first().get("endYear") indexList = ee.Dictionary(stackCollection.aggregate_histogram("band")).keys().getInfo() # Set up output collection to populate outputCollection = [] # Iterate across indices for indexName in indexList: stack = stackCollection.filter(ee.Filter.eq("band", indexName)).first() # Convert to image collection yrDurMagSlopeCleaned = fitStackToCollection(stack, maxSegments, startYear, endYear) # Rename bns = ee.Image(yrDurMagSlopeCleaned.first()).bandNames() outBns = bn: ee.String(indexName).cat("_" + VTorLT + "_").cat(bn)) yrDurMagSlopeCleaned =, outBns) if outputCollection == []: outputCollection = yrDurMagSlopeCleaned else: outputCollection = joinCollections(outputCollection, yrDurMagSlopeCleaned, False) return outputCollection ######################################################################################################### # Function to convert from raw Landtrendr Output OR Landtrendr/VerdetVertStack output to Loss & Gain Space # format = 'rawLandtrendr' (Landtrendr only) or 'vertStack' (Verdet or Landtrendr) # If using vertStack format, this will not work if there are masked values in the vertStack. Must use getImagesLib.setNoData prior to # calling this function # Have to apply LandTrendr changeDirection (loss in veg/moisture goes up) to both Verdet and Landtrendr before applying convertToLossGain() def convertToLossGain( ltStack, format="rawLandTrendr", lossMagThresh=-0.15, lossSlopeThresh=-0.1, gainMagThresh=0.1, gainSlopeThresh=0.1, slowLossDurationThresh=3, chooseWhichLoss="largest", chooseWhichGain="largest", howManyToPull=2, ): if format == "rawLandTrendr": ltStack = simpleRawLTToVertices(ltStack) if format == "rawLandTrendr" or format == "arrayLandTrendr": ltStack =[0]) print("Converting LandTrendr from array output to Gain & Loss") # Get the pair-wise difference and slopes of the years left = ltStack.arraySlice(1, 0, -1) right = ltStack.arraySlice(1, 1, None) diff = left.subtract(right) slopes = diff.arraySlice(0, 1, 2).divide(diff.arraySlice(0, 0, 1)).multiply(-1) duration = diff.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).multiply(-1) fittedMag = diff.arraySlice(0, 1, 2) # Set up array for sorting forSorting = right.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayCat(duration, 0).arrayCat(fittedMag, 0).arrayCat(slopes, 0) elif format == "vertStack": print("Converting LandTrendr OR Verdet from vertStack format to Gain & Loss") baseMask =[0]).mask() # Will fail on completely masked pixels. Have to work around and then remask later. ltStack = ltStack.unmask(255) # Set masked pixels to 255 yrs ="yrs.*").toArray() yrMask = yrs.eq(-32768).Or(yrs.eq(32767)).Or(yrs.eq(0)).Not() yrs = yrs.arrayMask(yrMask) fit ="fit.*").toArray().arrayMask(yrMask) both = yrs.arrayCat(fit, 1).matrixTranspose() left = both.arraySlice(1, 0, -1) right = both.arraySlice(1, 1, None) diff = left.subtract(right) fittedMag = diff.arraySlice(0, 1, 2) duration = diff.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).multiply(-1) slopes = fittedMag.divide(duration) forSorting = right.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayCat(duration, 0).arrayCat(fittedMag, 0).arrayCat(slopes, 0) forSorting = forSorting.updateMask(baseMask) # Apply thresholds magLossMask = forSorting.arraySlice(0, 2, 3).lte(lossMagThresh) slopeLossMask = forSorting.arraySlice(0, 3, 4).lte(lossSlopeThresh) lossMask = magLossMask.Or(slopeLossMask) magGainMask = forSorting.arraySlice(0, 2, 3).gte(gainMagThresh) slopeGainMask = forSorting.arraySlice(0, 3, 4).gte(gainSlopeThresh) gainMask = magGainMask.Or(slopeGainMask) # Mask any segments that do not meet thresholds forLossSorting = forSorting.arrayMask(lossMask) forGainSorting = forSorting.arrayMask(gainMask) # Dictionaries for choosing the column and direction to multiply the column for sorting # Loss and gain are handled differently for sorting magnitude and slope (largest/smallest and steepest/mostgradual) lossColumnDict = { "newest": [0, -1], "oldest": [0, 1], "largest": [2, 1], "smallest": [2, -1], "steepest": [3, 1], "mostGradual": [3, -1], "shortest": [1, 1], "longest": [1, -1], } gainColumnDict = { "newest": [0, -1], "oldest": [0, 1], "largest": [2, -1], "smallest": [2, 1], "steepest": [3, -1], "mostGradual": [3, 1], "shortest": [1, 1], "longest": [1, -1], } # Pull the respective column and direction lossSortValue = lossColumnDict[chooseWhichLoss] gainSortValue = gainColumnDict[chooseWhichGain] # Pull the sort column and multiply it lossSortBy = forLossSorting.arraySlice(0, lossSortValue[0], lossSortValue[0] + 1).multiply(lossSortValue[1]) gainSortBy = forGainSorting.arraySlice(0, gainSortValue[0], gainSortValue[0] + 1).multiply(gainSortValue[1]) # Sort the loss and gain and slice off the first column lossAfterForSorting = forLossSorting.arraySort(lossSortBy) gainAfterForSorting = forGainSorting.arraySort(gainSortBy) # Convert array to image stck lossStack = getLTStack( lossAfterForSorting, howManyToPull, ["loss_yr_", "loss_dur_", "loss_mag_", "loss_slope_"], ) gainStack = getLTStack( gainAfterForSorting, howManyToPull, ["gain_yr_", "gain_dur_", "gain_mag_", "gain_slope_"], ) lossGainDict = {"lossStack": lossStack, "gainStack": gainStack} return lossGainDict # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Linear Interpolation functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adapted from: # To work with multi-band images def replace_mask(img, newimg, nodata=0): # con = img.mask() # res = img., NODATA mask = img.mask() """** * This solution lead to interpolation fails | 2018-07-12 * Good vlaues can become NA. *""" # img = img.expression("img*mask + newimg*(!mask)", { # img : img.unmask(), # default unmask value is zero # newimg : newimg, # mask : mask # }) # ** The only nsolution is unmask & updatemask */ img = img.unmask(nodata) img = img.where(mask.Not(), newimg) # # error 2018-07-13 : mask already in newimg, so it's unnecessary to updateMask again # either test or image is masked, values will not be changed. So, newimg # mask can transfer to img. # img = img.updateMask(img.neq(nodata)) return img # ** Interpolation not considering weights */ def addMillisecondsTimeBand(img): # ** make sure mask is consistent */ mask = img.mask().reduce(ee.Reducer.min()) time = img.metadata("system:time_start").rename("time").mask(mask) return img.addBands(time) def linearInterp(imgcol, frame=32, nodata=0): bns = ee.Image(imgcol.first()).bandNames() # frame = 32 time = "system:time_start" imgcol = # We'll look for all images up to 32 days away from the current image. maxDiff = ee.Filter.maxDifference(frame * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24), time, None, time) cond = {"leftField": time, "rightField": time} # Images after, sorted in descending order (so closest is last). # f1 = maxDiff.and(ee.Filter.lessThanOrEquals(time, null, time)) f1 = ee.Filter.And(maxDiff, ee.Filter.lessThanOrEquals(**cond)) c1 = ee.Join.saveAll(**{"matchesKey": "after", "ordering": time, "ascending": False}).apply(imgcol, imgcol, f1) # Images before, sorted in ascending order (so closest is last). # f2 = maxDiff.and(ee.Filter.greaterThanOrEquals(time, null, time)) f2 = ee.Filter.And(maxDiff, ee.Filter.greaterThanOrEquals(**cond)) c2 = ee.Join.saveAll(**{"matchesKey": "before", "ordering": time, "ascending": True}).apply(c1, imgcol, f2) # print(c2, 'c2') # img = ee.Image(c2.toList(1, 15).get(0)) # mask =[0]).mask() # Map.addLayer(img , {}, 'img') # Map.addLayer(mask, {}, 'mask') def interpolator(img): img = ee.Image(img) before = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(ee.List(img.get("before"))).mosaic() after = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(ee.List(img.get("after"))).mosaic() img = img.set("before", None).set("after", None) # constrain after or before no NA values, confirm linear Interp having result before = replace_mask(before, after, nodata) after = replace_mask(after, before, nodata) # Compute the ratio between the image times. x1 ="time").double() x2 ="time").double() now = ee.Image.constant( ratio = now.subtract(x1).divide(x2.subtract(x1)) # this is zero anywhere x1 = x2 # Compute the interpolated image. before = # remove time band now after = img = interp = after.subtract(before).multiply(ratio).add(before) # mask =[0]).mask() qc = img.mask().Not() # .rename('qc') interp = replace_mask(img, interp, nodata) # Map.addLayer(interp, {}, 'interp') return interp.copyProperties(img, img.propertyNames()) interpolated = ee.ImageCollection( img: interpolator(img))) return interpolated ############################################################ # Function to do a single-band linear interpolation across time # Assumes the image has date properties stored under system:time_start # Will return a linearally interpolated date value where they were missing # Where there are only values on one side, it will cast out the mean date of year offset # for all years prior to or after actual data being available def new_interp_date(dateYr, dateCollection, max_window=10, dummyImage=None, extrapolate=True): # Find the year year ="year") # When looking at years where there are no images available # will need to fill empty collections # This needs a dummy image to fill in blank images with if dummyImage == None: dummyImage = dateCollection.first() # Find the years in the window plus and minus from the given year window_years = ee.List.sequence(1, max_window) # Get values on either side def getWindow(window): # Get window of years yrLeft = year.subtract(window) yrRight = year.add(window) # Pull any data available for that year and add a constant year band as an integer (to handle date wrapping) dateYrLeft = ( fillEmptyCollections( dateCollection.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yrLeft, yrLeft, "year")), dummyImage, ) .first() .rename(["left"]) .float() ) yrLeft = ee.Image(yrLeft).updateMask(dateYrLeft.mask()).rename(["left_year"]).int16() dateYrRight = ( fillEmptyCollections( dateCollection.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yrRight, yrRight, "year")), dummyImage, ) .first() .rename(["right"]) .float() ) yrRight = ee.Image(yrRight).updateMask(dateYrRight.mask()).rename(["right_year"]).int16() return[dateYrLeft, yrLeft, dateYrRight, yrRight]) window_stack = ee.ImageCollection( # Get the first non null date window_first = window_stack.reduce(ee.Reducer.firstNonNull()) # Find the difference in date per year (will be close to 1) slope =["right_first"]).subtract(["left_first"])).divide(["right_year_first"]).subtract(["left_year_first"]))) # Compute the interpolated value interpolated = ee.Image(year).subtract(["left_year_first"])) interpolated = interpolated.multiply(slope) interpolated = interpolated.add(["left_first"])) # Burn in any non null interpolated values dateYrOut = dateYr.unmask(interpolated) # Extrapolate using the mean date offset if extrapolate: extrapolate_left = img:["right"]).subtract(["right_year"]))).mean().add(year) extrapolate_right = img:["left"]).subtract(["left_year"]))).mean().add(year) dateYrOut = ee.Image(dateYrOut).unmask(extrapolate_left) dateYrOut = ee.Image(dateYrOut).unmask(extrapolate_right) return dateYrOut # Wrapper function to handle date interpolation for def new_interp_date_collection(dateCollection, max_window=20, dummyImage=None, extrapolate=True): dummyImage = dateCollection.first() interpolated = dateImg: new_interp_date(dateImg, dateCollection, max_window, dummyImage, extrapolate)) return interpolated ############################################################ # Function to apply linear interpolation for Verdet def applyLinearInterp(composites, nYearsInterpolate): # Start with just the basic bands composites =["red", "green", "blue", "nir", "swir1", "swir2"]) # Find pixels/years with no data masks = img: img.mask().reduce(ee.Reducer.min()).byte().copyProperties(img, img.propertyNames())).select([0]) masks = img: img.rename([ee.Date(img.get("system:time_start")).format("YYYY")])) masks = masks.toBands() # rename bands to better names origNames = masks.bandNames() # print('mask bandNames', origNames.getInfo()) newNames = bandName: ee.String(bandName).replace("null", "mask")) masks =, newNames).set("creationDate", datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d")).set("mask", True) # Perform linear interpolation composites = linearInterp(composites, 365 * nYearsInterpolate, -32768).map(simpleAddIndices).map(getTasseledCap).map(simpleAddTCAngles) outDict = {"composites": composites, "masks": masks} return outDict # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VERDET # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions to apply our scaling work arounds for Verdet # Multiply by a predetermined factor beforehand and divide after # Add 1 before and subtract 1 after def applyVerdetScaling(ts, indexName, correctionFactor): distDir = changeDirDict[indexName] # tsT = img: multBands(img, 1, -distDir)) # Apply change in direction first tsT = img: addToImage(img, 1)) # Then add 1 to image to get rid of any negatives tsT = img: multBands(img, 1, correctionFactor)) # Finally we can apply scaling. return tsT def undoVerdetScaling(fitted, indexName, correctionFactor): distDir = changeDirDict[indexName] fitted = ee.Image(multBands(fitted, 1, 1.0 / correctionFactor)) # Undo scaling first fitted = addToImage(fitted, -1) # Undo getting rid of negatives # fitted = multBands(fitted, 1, -distDir) #Finally, undo change in direction # LSC 10/19, this is not working as intended. Decided to just comment it out as I believe it is an unnecessary step. return fitted # Update Mask from LinearInterp step def updateVerdetMasks(img, linearInterpMasks): thisYear = ee.Date(img.get("system:time_start")).format("YYYY") # thisYear_maskName = ee.String('mask_').cat(thisYear) thisYear_maskName = ee.String(".*_").cat(thisYear) thisMask = img = img.updateMask(thisMask) return img # Function to prep data for Verdet. Will have to run Verdet and convert to stack after. # This step applies the Verdet Scaling. The scaling is undone in VERDETVertStack(). def prepTimeSeriesForVerdet(ts, indexName, run_params, correctionFactor): # Get the start and end years startYear = ee.Date(ts.first().get("system:time_start")).get("year") endYear = ee.Date(ts.sort("system:time_start", False).first().get("system:time_start")).get("year") # Get single band time series and set its direction so that a loss in veg is going up ts =[indexName]) tsT = applyVerdetScaling(ts, indexName, correctionFactor) # Find areas with insufficient data to run VERDET # VERDET currently requires all pixels have a value countMask = tsT.count().unmask().gte(endYear.subtract(startYear).add(1)) # Mask areas identified by countMask tsT = img: nullFinder(img, countMask)) run_params["timeSeries"] = tsT countMask = countMask.rename("insufficientDataMask") prepDict = { "run_params": run_params, "countMask": countMask, "startYear": startYear, "endYear": endYear, } return prepDict # Function to run Verdet and reformat as vertex stack in the same format as landtrendr def VERDETVertStack( ts, indexName, run_params={"tolerance": 0.0001, "alpha": 0.1}, maxSegments=10, correctionFactor=1, doLinearInterp="false", ): # linearInterp is applied outside this function. This parameter is just to set the properties (true/false) # Get today's date for properties creationDate = datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d") # Extract composite time series and apply relevant masking & scaling prepDict = prepTimeSeriesForVerdet(ts, indexName, run_params, correctionFactor) run_params = prepDict["run_params"] countMask = prepDict["countMask"] startYear = prepDict["startYear"] endYear = prepDict["endYear"] # Run VERDET verdet = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.Verdet(**run_params).arraySlice(0, 1, None) # Get all possible years tsYearRight = ee.Image( [ ee.Array([startYear]), ee.Array(ee.List.sequence(startYear.add(2), endYear)), ] ) ) # Slice off right and left slopes vLeft = verdet.arraySlice(0, 1, -1) vRight = verdet.arraySlice(0, 2, None) # Find whether its a vertex (abs of curvature !== 0) vCurvature = vLeft.subtract(vRight) vVertices = vCurvature.abs().gte(0.00001) # Append vertices to the start and end of the time series al la LANDTRENDR vVertices = ee.Image(ee.Array([1])).arrayCat(vVertices, 0).arrayCat(ee.Image(ee.Array([1])), 0) # Mask out vertex years tsYearRight = tsYearRight.arrayMask(vVertices) # Find the duration of each segment dur = tsYearRight.arraySlice(0, 1, None).subtract(tsYearRight.arraySlice(0, 0, -1)) dur = ee.Image(ee.Array([0])).arrayCat(dur, 0) # Mask out vertex slopes verdet = verdet.arrayMask(vVertices) # Get the magnitude of change for each segment mag = verdet.multiply(dur) # Get the fitted values fitted = ee.Image(run_params["timeSeries"].limit(3).mean()).toArray().arrayCat(mag, 0) fitted = fitted.arrayAccum(0, ee.Reducer.sum()).arraySlice(0, 1, None) # Undo scaling of fitted values fitted = undoVerdetScaling(fitted, indexName, correctionFactor) # Get the bands needed to convert to image stack forStack = tsYearRight.addBands(fitted).toArray(1) # Convert to stack and mask out any pixels that didn't have an observation in every image stack = getLTStack(forStack.arrayTranspose(), maxSegments + 1, ["yrs_", "fit_"]).updateMask(countMask) # Set Properties stack = stack.set( { "startYear": startYear, "endYear": endYear, "band": indexName, "creationDate": creationDate, "maxSegments": maxSegments, "correctionFactor": correctionFactor, "tolerance": run_params["tolerance"], "alpha": run_params["alpha"], "linearInterpApplied": doLinearInterp, } ) return ee.Image(stack) # Function for running VERDET and converting output to annual image collection # with the fitted value, duration, magnitude, slope, and diff for the segment for each given year # Linear Interpolation has to be done beforehand, and the masks collection passed in to this function def VERDETFitMagSlopeDiffCollection( composites, indexName, run_params={"tolerance": 0.0001, "alpha": 0.1}, maxSegments=10, correctionFactor=1, doLinearInterp="false", masks=None, ): # Run Verdet and convert to vertStack format vtStack = VERDETVertStack(composites, indexName, run_params, maxSegments, correctionFactor, doLinearInterp) vtStack = ee.Image(LT_VT_vertStack_multBands(vtStack, "verdet", 10000)) # This needs to happen before the fitStackToCollection() step # Convert to durFitMagSlope format durFitMagSlope = convertStack_To_DurFitMagSlope(vtStack, "VT") # Prep data types for export durFitMagSlope = img: img.int16()) if doLinearInterp: durFitMagSlope = img: updateVerdetMasks(img)) return durFitMagSlope # Wrapper for applying VERDET slightly more simply # Returns annual collection of verdet slope def verdetAnnualSlope(tsIndex, indexName, startYear, endYear, alpha, tolerance=0.0001): # ,alpha = 1/3.0): # Apply VERDET run_params = { "timeSeries": tsIndex, "tolerance": tolerance, # default = 0.0001 "alpha": alpha, } # default = 1/3.0 verdet = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.Verdet(**run_params).arraySlice(0, 1, None) print("indexName: " + indexName) # Map.addLayer(verdet,{},'verdet '+indexName) tsYear =[1]).toArray().arraySlice(0, 1, None).arrayProject([0]) # Find possible years to convert back to collection with # possibleYears = ee.List.sequence(startYear+1,endYear) possibleYears = ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear) verdetC = arrayToTimeSeries(verdet, tsYear, possibleYears, "VERDET_fitted_" + indexName + "_slope") return verdetC # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CCDC FUNCTIONS # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for getting CCDC coefficients for a given date raster # Date raster is expected to be decimal year (e.g. 2000.5 or 1999.25...etc) def getSegmentParamsForYear(ccdc, yearImg): # Get the start and end and convert to decimal years start =".*tStart").divide(365.25).selfMask() # segment start data end =".*tEnd").divide(365.25).selfMask() # segment end date # Get the band names and set up a blank raster with the indices of the segments bandNames = start.bandNames().map(lambda bn: ee.String(bn).split("_").get(0)) segIndices = bn: ee.Number.parse(ee.String(bn).slice(1, None))) blankRaster = ee.Image.constant(segIndices) firstBandName = ee.String(bandNames.get(0)) outBandNames =[".*coef.*"),".*RMSE")]).bandNames().map(lambda bn: ee.String(bn).split("S1_").get(1)) # Find areas where the date is less than the end of the segment yearMask = end.gte(yearImg) # start.lte(yearImg).and(end.gte(yearImg)); # Handle no segments at target date # If date is after latest segment, force to use last segment coeffs validPixels = yearMask.reduce(ee.Reducer.max()) yearMask = yearMask.where(end.eq(end.reduce(ee.Reducer.max())).And(validPixels.Not()), 1) # Apply mask to blank raster and then pull the first valid value (earliest segment that ends after target date) blankRaster = blankRaster.updateMask(yearMask) firstValid = blankRaster.reduce(ee.Reducer.min()) blankRaster = blankRaster.updateMask(blankRaster.eq(firstValid)) yearMask = yearMask.updateMask(blankRaster) # Set up blank raster out = ee.Image.constant(ee.List.repeat(0, outBandNames.length())).rename(outBandNames) # Iterate across each segment and unmask coefficients if they're the valid segment def unmaskValidCoefficients(bn, out): out = ee.Image(out) bn = ee.String(bn) # Include both the coefficients and RMSE coeffs =[".*coef.*"),".*RMSE")]) # Select the year mask corresponding to the relevant segment yearMaskT =".*")) # Apply mask coeffs = coeffs.updateMask(yearMaskT) out = out.where(coeffs.mask(), coeffs) return out out = ee.Image(bandNames.iterate(lambda bn, out: unmaskValidCoefficients(bn, out), out)) return out # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UNCONVERTED JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS BELOW HERE # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #######################/ def thresholdChange(changeCollection, changeThresh, changeDir=None): if changeDir == None: changeDir = 1 bandNames = ee.Image(changeCollection.first()).bandNames() bandNames = bn: ee.String(bn).cat("_change")) def thresholder(img): yr = ee.Date(img.get("system:time_start")).get("year") changeYr = img.multiply(changeDir).gt(changeThresh) yrImage = img.where(img.mask(), yr) changeYr = yrImage.updateMask(changeYr).rename(bandNames).int16() return img.mask(ee.Image(1)).addBands(changeYr) change = return change # function thresholdSubtleChange(changeCollection,changeThreshLow,changeThreshHigh,changeDir){ # if(changeDir === undefined || changeDir === null){changeDir = 1} # bandNames = ee.Image(changeCollection.first()).bandNames() # bandNames ={return ee.String(bn).cat('_change')}) # change ={ # yr = ee.Date(img.get('system:time_start')).get('year') # changeYr = img.multiply(changeDir).gt(changeThreshLow).and(img.multiply(changeDir).lt(changeThreshHigh)) # yrImage = img.where(img.mask(),yr) # changeYr = yrImage.updateMask(changeYr).rename(bandNames).int16() # return img.mask(ee.Image(1)).addBands(changeYr) # }) # return change # } # function getExistingChangeData(changeThresh,showLayers){ # if(showLayers === undefined || showLayers === null){ # showLayers = true # } # if(changeThresh === undefined || changeThresh === null){ # changeThresh = 50 # } # startYear = 1985 # endYear = 2016 # # glriEnsemble = ee.Image('projects/glri-phase3/changeMaps/ensembleOutputs/NBR_NDVI_TCBGAngle_swir1_swir2_median_LT_Ensemble') # # if(showLayers){ # # Map.addLayer(['change']).max(),{'min':startYear,'max':endYear,'palette':'FF0,F00'},'CONUS LCMS Most Recent Year of Change',false) # # Map.addLayer(['probability']).max(),{'min':0,'max':50,'palette':'888,008'},'LCMSC',false) # # } # # glri_lcms = glriEnsemble.updateMask([0])).select([1]) # # glri_lcms = glri_lcms.updateMask(glri_lcms.gte(startYear).and(glri_lcms.lte(endYear))) # # if(showLayers){ # # Map.addLayer(glri_lcms,{'min':startYear,'max':endYear,'palette':'FF0,F00'},'GLRI LCMS',false) # # } # hansen = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2016_v1_4').select(['lossyear']).add(2000).int16() # hansen = hansen.updateMask(hansen.neq(2000).and(hansen.gte(startYear)).and(hansen.lte(endYear))) # if(showLayers){ # Map.addLayer(hansen,{'min':startYear,'max':endYear,'palette':'FF0,F00'},'Hansen Change Year',false) # } # # return conusChangeOut # } # ##################################### # #Wrapper for applying EWMACD slightly more simply # function getEWMA(lsIndex,trainingStartYear,trainingEndYear, harmonicCount){ # if(harmonicCount === null || harmonicCount === undefined){harmonicCount = 1} # #Run EWMACD # ewmacd = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.Ewmacd({ # timeSeries: lsIndex, # vegetationThreshold: -1, # trainingStartYear: trainingStartYear, # trainingEndYear: trainingEndYear, # harmonicCount: harmonicCount # }) # #Extract the ewmac values # ewma =['ewma']) # return ewma # } # #Function for converting EWMA values to annual collection # function annualizeEWMA(ewma,indexName,lsYear,startYear,endYear,annualReducer,remove2012){ # #Fill null parameters # if(annualReducer === null || annualReducer === undefined){annualReducer = ee.Reducer.min()} # if(remove2012 === null || remove2012 === undefined){remove2012 = true} # #Find the years to annualize with # years = ee.List.sequence(startYear,endYear) # #Find if 2012 needs replaced # replace2012 = ee.Number(ee.List([years.indexOf(2011),years.indexOf(2012),years.indexOf(2013)]).reduce(ee.Reducer.min())).neq(-1).getInfo() # print('2012 needs replaced:',replace2012) # #Remove 2012 if in list and set to true # if(remove2012){years = years.removeAll([2012])} # #Annualize # #Set up dummy image for handling null values # noDateValue = -32768; # dummyImage = ee.Image(noDateValue).toArray(); # annualEWMA ={ # yr = ee.Number(yr); # yrMask = lsYear.int16().eq(yr); # ewmacdYr = ewma.arrayMask(yrMask); # ewmacdYearYr = lsYear.arrayMask(yrMask); # ewmacdYrSorted = ewmacdYr.arraySort(ewmacdYr); # ewmacdYearYrSorted= ewmacdYearYr.arraySort(ewmacdYr); # yrData = ewmacdYrSorted.arrayCat(ewmacdYearYrSorted,1); # yrReduced = ewmacdYrSorted.arrayReduce(annualReducer,[0]); # #Find null pixels # l = yrReduced.arrayLength(0); # #Fill null values and convert to regular image # yrReduced = yrReduced.where(l.eq(0),dummyImage).arrayGet([-1]); # #Remask nulls # yrReduced = yrReduced.updateMask(yrReduced.neq(noDateValue)).rename(['EWMA_'+indexName]) # .set('system:time_start',ee.Date.fromYMD(yr,6,1).millis()).int16(); # return yrReduced; # }); # annualEWMA = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(annualEWMA); # # print(remove2012,replace2012 ==1) # if(remove2012 && replace2012 ==1){ # print('Replacing EWMA 2012 with mean of 2011 and 2013'); # value2011 = ee.Image(annualEWMA.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2011,2011,'year')).first()); # value2013 = ee.Image(annualEWMA.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2013,2013,'year')).first()); # value2012 = value2013.add(value2011); # value2012 = value2012.divide(2).rename(['EWMA_'+indexName]) # .set('system:time_start',ee.Date.fromYMD(2012,6,1).millis()).int16(); # annualEWMA = ee.ImageCollection(ee.FeatureCollection([annualEWMA,ee.ImageCollection([value2012])]).flatten()).sort('system:time_start'); # } # return annualEWMA; # } # # # function runEWMACD(lsIndex,indexName,startYear,endYear,trainingStartYear,trainingEndYear, harmonicCount,annualReducer,remove2012){ # # bandName = ee.String(ee.Image(lsIndex.first()).bandNames().get(0)); # ewma = getEWMA(lsIndex,trainingStartYear,trainingEndYear, harmonicCount); # #Get dates for later reference # lsYear ={return getImageLib.addDateBand(img,true)}).select(['year']).toArray().arrayProject([0]); # annualEWMA = annualizeEWMA(ewma,indexName,lsYear,startYear,endYear,annualReducer,remove2012); # return [ewma.arrayCat(lsYear,1),annualEWMA]; # } # ##################################### # #Function to find the pairwise difference of a time series # #Assumes one image per year # function pairwiseSlope(c){ # c = c.sort('system:time_start'); # bandNames = ee.Image(c.first()).bandNames(); # # bandNames ={return ee.String(bn).cat('_slope')}); # years = c.toList(10000).map(function(i){i = ee.Image(i);return ee.Date(i.get('system:time_start')).get('year')}); # yearsLeft = years.slice(0,-1); # yearsRight = years.slice(1,null); # yearPairs =; # slopeCollection ={ # yp = ee.List(yp); # yl = ee.Number(yp.get(0)); # yr = ee.Number(yp.get(1)); # yd = yr.subtract(yl); # l = ee.Image(c.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yl,yl,'year')).first()).add(0.000001); # r = ee.Image(c.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yr,yr,'year')).first()); # slope = (r.subtract(l)).rename(bandNames); # slope = slope.set('system:time_start',ee.Date.fromYMD(yr,6,1).millis()); # return slope; # }); # return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(slopeCollection); # } ############################################Function for converting collection into annual median collection # Does not support date wrapping across the new year (e.g. Nov- April window is a no go) def toAnnualMedian(images, startYear, endYear): dummyImmage = ee.Image(images.first()) def getMedian(yr): imagesT = images.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yr, yr, "year")) imagesT = fillEmptyCollections(imagesT, dummyImmage) return imagesT.median().set("system:time_start", ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 6, 1)) out = ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear).map(getMedian) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(out) ############################################Function for applying linear fit model # Assumes the model has a intercept and slope band prefix to the bands in the model # Assumes that the c (collection) has the raw bands in it def predictModel(c, model, bandNames=None): # Parse model intercepts =".*_intercept") slopes =".*_slope") # Find band names for raw data if not provided if bandNames == None: bandNames = slopes.bandNames().map(lambda bn: ee.String(bn).split("_").get(1)) # Set up output band names predictedBandNames = bn: ee.String(bn).cat("_trend")) # Predict model def pModel(img): cActual = out =["year"]).multiply(slopes).add(["constant"]).multiply(intercepts)).rename(predictedBandNames) return cActual.addBands(out).copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]) predicted = return predicted ########################################### # Function for getting a linear fit of a time series and applying it def getLinearFit(c, bandNames=None): # Find band names for raw data if not provided if bandNames == None: bandNames = ee.Image(c.first()).bandNames() else: bandNames = ee.List(bandNames) c = # Add date and constant independents c = img: img.addBands(ee.Image(1))) c = selectOrder = ee.List([["constant", "year"], bandNames]).flatten() # Fit model model =, bandNames.length())).select([0]) # Convert model to image model = model.arrayTranspose().arrayFlatten([bandNames, ["intercept", "slope"]]) # Apply model predicted = predictModel(c, model, bandNames) # Return both the model and predicted return [model, predicted] ##################################### # #Iterate across each time window and do a z-score and trend analysis # #This method does not currently support date wrapping def zAndTrendChangeDetection( allScenes, indexNames, nDays, startYear, endYear, startJulian, endJulian, baselineLength=5, baselineGap=1, epochLength=5, zReducer=ee.Reducer.mean(), useAnnualMedianForTrend=True, exportImages=False, exportPathRoot="users/iwhousman/test/ChangeCollection", studyArea=None, scale=30, crs=None, transform=None, minBaselineObservationsNeeded=10, ): # House-keeping allScenes = print(allScenes.size().getInfo()) dummyScene = ee.Image(allScenes.first()) outNames = map(lambda bn: bn + "_Z", indexNames) analysisStartYear = max(startYear + baselineLength + baselineGap, startYear + epochLength - 1) years = ee.List.sequence(analysisStartYear, endYear, 1).getInfo() julians = ee.List.sequence(startJulian, endJulian - nDays, nDays).getInfo() # Iterate across each year and perform analysis def processYrJd(yjd): yjd = ee.List(yjd) yr = ee.Number(yjd.get(0)) jd = ee.Number(yjd.get(1)) # Set up the baseline years blStartYear = yr.subtract(baselineLength).subtract(baselineGap) blEndYear = yr.subtract(1).subtract(baselineGap) # Set up the trend years trendStartYear = yr.subtract(epochLength).add(1) # Set up the julian date range jdStart = jd jdEnd = jd.add(nDays) # Get the baseline images blImages = allScenes.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(blStartYear, blEndYear, "year")).filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(jdStart, jdEnd)) blImages = fillEmptyCollections(blImages, dummyScene) # Mask out where not enough observations blCounts = blImages.count() blImages = img: img.updateMask(blCounts.gte(minBaselineObservationsNeeded))) # Get the z analysis images analysisImages = allScenes.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yr, yr, "year")).filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(jdStart, jdEnd)) analysisImages = fillEmptyCollections(analysisImages, dummyScene) # Get the images for the trend analysis trendImages = allScenes.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(trendStartYear, yr, "year")).filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(jdStart, jdEnd)) trendImages = fillEmptyCollections(trendImages, dummyScene) # Convert to annual stack if selected if useAnnualMedianForTrend: trendImages = toAnnualMedian(trendImages, trendStartYear, yr) # Perform the linear trend analysis linearTrend = getLinearFit(trendImages, indexNames) linearTrendModel = ee.Image(linearTrend[0]).select([".*_slope"]).multiply(10000) # Perform the z analysis blMean = blImages.mean() blStd = blImages.reduce(ee.Reducer.stdDev()) analysisImagesZ = ee.ImageCollection( img: img.subtract(blMean).divide(blStd))).reduce(zReducer).rename(outNames).multiply(10) # Set up the output outName = ( ee.String("Z_and_Trend_b") .cat(ee.Number(blStartYear).int16().format("%04d")) .cat(ee.String("_")) .cat(ee.Number(blEndYear).int16().format("%04d")) .cat(ee.String("_epoch")) .cat(ee.Number(epochLength).format("%02d")) .cat(ee.String("_y")) .cat(yr.int16().format("%04d")) .cat(ee.String("_jd")) .cat(jdStart.int16().format("%03d")) .cat(ee.String("_")) .cat(jdEnd.int16().format("%03d")) ) imageStartDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 1, 1).advance(jdStart, "day").millis() out = ( analysisImagesZ.addBands(linearTrendModel) .int16() .set( { "system:time_start": imageStartDate, "system:time_end": ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 1, 1).advance(jdEnd, "day").millis(), "baselineYrs": baselineLength, "baselineStartYear": blStartYear, "baselineEndYear": blEndYear, "epochLength": epochLength, "trendStartYear": trendStartYear, "year": yr, "startJulian": jdStart, "endJulian": jdEnd, "system:index": outName, } ) ) # if exportImages: # outName = outName.getInfo() # outPath = exportPathRoot + '/' + outName # getImageLib.exportToAssetWrapper(out.clip(studyArea),outName,outPath,\ # 'mean',studyArea.bounds(),scale,crs,transform) # zAndTrendCollection.append(out) return out yjdList = [] for yr in years: # Iterate across the julian dates for jd in julians: yjdList.append([yr, jd]) print(yjdList) zAndTrendCollection = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages([processYrJd(yjd) for yjd in yjdList]) # return zAndTrendCollection def thresholdZAndTrend( zAndTrendCollection, zThresh, slopeThresh, startYear, endYear, negativeOrPositiveChange=None, ): if negativeOrPositiveChange == None: negativeOrPositiveChange = "negative" if negativeOrPositiveChange == "negative": dir = -1 else: dir = 1 zCollection =".*_Z") trendCollection =".*_slope") zChange = thresholdChange(zCollection, -zThresh, dir).select(".*_change") trendChange = thresholdChange(trendCollection, -slopeThresh, dir).select(".*_change") return [zChange, trendChange] ################################################################################### # ------------------- BEGIN CCDC Helper Functions -------------------# ################################################################################### # Function to predict a CCDC harmonic model at a given time # The whichHarmonics options are [1,2,3] - denoting which harmonics to include # Which bands is a list of the names of the bands to predict across def simpleCCDCPrediction(img, timeBandName, whichHarmonics, whichBands): # Unit of each harmonic (1 cycle) omega = ee.Number(2.0).multiply(math.pi) # Pull out the time band in the yyyy.ff format tBand =[timeBandName]) # Pull out the intercepts and slopes intercepts =[".*_INTP"]) slopes =[".*_SLP"]).multiply(tBand) # Set up the omega for each harmonic for the given time band tOmega = ee.Image(whichHarmonics).multiply(omega).multiply(tBand) cosHarm = tOmega.cos() sinHarm = tOmega.sin() # Set up which harmonics to select harmSelect = ee.List(whichHarmonics).map(lambda n: ee.String(".*").cat(ee.Number(n).format())) # Select the harmonics specified sins =[".*_SIN.*"]) sins = coss =[".*_COS.*"]) coss = # Set up final output band names outBns = ee.List(whichBands).map(lambda bn: ee.String(bn).cat("_CCDC_fitted")) # Iterate across each band and predict value def predHelper(bn): bn = ee.String(bn) return ee.Image( ["_.*")),"_.*")),"_.*")).multiply(sinHarm),"_.*")).multiply(cosHarm), ] ).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()) predicted = ee.ImageCollection(list(map(predHelper, whichBands))).toBands().rename(outBns) return img.addBands(predicted) ################################################################################### # Wrapper to predict CCDC values from a collection containing a time image and ccdc coeffs # It is also assumed that the time format is yyyy.ff where the .ff is the proportion of the year # The whichHarmonics options are [1,2,3] - denoting which harmonics to include def simpleCCDCPredictionWrapper(c, timeBandName, whichHarmonics): whichBands = ee.Image(c.first()).select([".*_INTP"]).bandNames().map(lambda bn: ee.String(bn).split("_").get(0)) whichBands = ee.Dictionary(whichBands.reduce(ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram())).keys().getInfo() out = img: simpleCCDCPrediction(img, timeBandName, whichHarmonics, whichBands)) return out ################################################################################### ################################################################################### # Function to get the coeffs corresponding to a given date on a pixel-wise basis # The raw CCDC image is expected # It is also assumed that the time format is yyyy.ff where the .ff is the proportion of the year def getCCDCSegCoeffs(timeImg, ccdcImg, fillGaps): coeffKeys = [".*_coefs"] tStartKeys = ["tStart"] tEndKeys = ["tEnd"] tBreakKeys = ["tBreak"] # Get coeffs and find how many bands have coeffs coeffs = bns = coeffs.bandNames() nBns = bns.length() harmonicTag = ee.List(["INTP", "SLP", "COS1", "SIN1", "COS2", "SIN2", "COS3", "SIN3"]) # Get coeffs, start and end times coeffs = coeffs.toArray(2) tStarts = tEnds = tBreaks = # If filling to the tBreak, use this tStarts = ee.Image( ee.Algorithms.If( fillGaps, tStarts.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayCat(tBreaks.arraySlice(0, 0, -1), 0), tStarts, ) ) tEnds = ee.Image( ee.Algorithms.If( fillGaps, tBreaks.arraySlice(0, 0, -1).arrayCat(tEnds.arraySlice(0, -1, None), 0), tEnds, ) ) # Set up a mask for segments that the time band intersects tMask =, 1).arrayRepeat(2, 1) coeffs = coeffs.arrayMask(tMask).arrayProject([2, 1]).arrayTranspose(1, 0).arrayFlatten([bns, harmonicTag]) # If time band doesn't intersect any segments, set it to null coeffs = coeffs.updateMask(coeffs.reduce(ee.Reducer.max()).neq(0)) return timeImg.addBands(coeffs) ################################################################################### # Functions to get yearly ccdc coefficients. # # Get CCDC coefficients for each year. # yearStartMonth and yearStartDay are the date that you want the CCDC "year" to start at. This is mostly important for Annualized CCDC. # For CONUS & COASTAL AK LCMS, this is Sept. 1. So any change that occurs before Sept 1 in that year will be counted in that year, and Sept. 1 and after # will be counted in the following year. # 10/21 LSC Added Capability to use pixel-wise Composite Dates instead of set dates. # If used, set annualizeWithCompositeDates to True and provide imported/prepped composite image collection with 'year' and 'julianDay' bands # Optionally, if there are holes in the composite dates, they can be interpolated using linear interpolation across time def annualizeCCDC( ccdcImg, startYear, endYear, startJulian, endJulian, tEndExtrapolationPeriod, yearStartMonth=9, yearStartDay=1, annualizeWithCompositeDates=False, compositeCollection=None, interpolateCompositeDates=True, ): # Create image collection of images with the proper time stamp as well as a 'year' band with the year fraction. if annualizeWithCompositeDates and compositeCollection != None: timeImgs = getTimeImageCollectionFromComposites(compositeCollection, startYear, endYear, interpolateCompositeDates) else: timeImgs = getTimeImageCollection(startYear, endYear, startJulian, endJulian, 1, yearStartMonth, yearStartDay) # If selected, add a constant amount of time to last end segment to make sure the last year is annualized correctly. # tEndExtrapolationPeriod should be a fraction of a year. finalTEnd ="tEnd").arraySlice(0, -1, None).rename("tEnd").arrayGet(0).add(tEndExtrapolationPeriod).toArray(0) tEnds ="tEnd") tEnds = tEnds.arraySlice(0, 0, -1).arrayCat(finalTEnd, 0).rename("tEnd") ccdcImg = ccdcImg.addBands(tEnds, None, True) # Loop through time image collection and grab the correct CCDC coefficients annualSegCoeffs = img: getCCDCSegCoeffs(img, ccdcImg, True)) return annualSegCoeffs # Using annualized time series, get fitted values and slopes from fitted values. def getFitSlopeCCDC(annualSegCoeffs, startYear, endYear): # Predict across each time image whichBands = ee.Image(annualSegCoeffs.first()).select([".*_INTP"]).bandNames().map(lambda bn: ee.String(bn).split("_").get(0)) whichBands = ee.Dictionary(whichBands.reduce(ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram())).keys() fitted = img: simpleCCDCPredictionAnnualized(img, "year", whichBands)) # Get back-casted slope using the fitted values diff = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List.sequence(ee.Number(startYear).add(ee.Number(1)), endYear).map(lambda rightYear: yearlySlope(rightYear, fitted))) # Rename bands bandNames = diff.first().bandNames() newBandNames = name: ee.String(name).replace("coefs", "CCDC")) diff =, newBandNames) return diff def yearlySlope(rightYear, fitted): leftYear = ee.Number(rightYear).subtract(1) rightFitted = ee.Image(fitted.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(rightYear, rightYear, "year")).first()) leftFitted = ee.Image(fitted.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(leftYear, leftYear, "year")).first()) slopeNames =[".*_fitted"]).bandNames().map(lambda name: ee.String(ee.String(name).split("_fitted").get(0)).cat(ee.String("_fitSlope"))) slope =[".*_fitted"]).subtract([".*_fitted"])).rename(slopeNames) return rightFitted.addBands(slope) # This function is ALMOST the same as simpleCCDCPrediction(), except that you don't use the harmonic coefficients, just the slope and intercept. # This is necessary if using a pixel-wise composite date method instead of one consistent date for annualization. def simpleCCDCPredictionAnnualized(img, timeBandName, whichBands): # Pull out the time band in the yyyy.ff format tBand =[timeBandName]) # Pull out the intercepts and slopes intercepts =[".*_INTP"]) slopes =[".*_SLP"]).multiply(tBand) # Set up final output band names outBns = bn: ee.String(bn).cat("_CCDC_fitted")) # Iterate across each band and predict value predicted = ( ee.ImageCollection( lambda bn: ee.Image( ["_.*")),"_.*")), ] ).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()) ) ) .toBands() .rename(outBns) ) return img.addBands(predicted) ################################################################################### # Wrapper function for predicting CCDC across a set of time images
[docs] def predictCCDC( ccdcImg: list[ee.Image, ee.Image] | ee.Image, timeImgs: ee.ImageCollection, fillGaps: bool = True, whichHarmonics: list[int] = [1, 2, 3], featherStartYr: int = 2015, featherEndYr: int = 2021, ) -> ee.ImageCollection: """ Takes one or two raw CCDC `ee.Image` array outputs, an `ee.ImageCollection` of time images, and returns a time-series `ee.ImageCollection` with harmonic coefficients and fitted values Args: ccdcImg (list[ee.Image, ee.Image] | ee.Image): A raw CCDC `ee.Image` array or list of two raw CCDC `ee.Image` arrays. If a list of 2 images is provided, feathering will automatically be performed. Note that any pixel that is null in either CCDC image will result in a null value in the predicted output. timeImgs (ee.ImageCollection): An `ee.ImageCollection` of time images usually from functions such as `simpleGetTimeImageCollection`. fillGaps (bool, optional): Whether to fill gaps between segments. If false, outputs can have blank values mid time-series. Defaults to True. whichHarmonics (list[int], optional): Which harmonics to include in fitted outputs forreturned time-series. Defaults to [1,2,3]. featherStartYear (int, optional): If a list of 2 images is provided as `ccdcImg`, this is the first year of the window used for feathering the two time-series together. Defaults to 2015. featherEndYear (int, optional): If a list of 2 images is provided as `ccdcImg`, this is the last year (inclusive) of the window used for feathering the two time-series together. Defaults to 2021. Returns: ee.ImageCollection: A collection of CCDC coefficients and fitted values. >>> import geeViz.changeDetectionLib as cdl >>> Map = cdl.Map >>> ee = >>> ccdcBandNames = ["tStart", "tEnd", "tBreak", "changeProb", "swir1.*", "NDVI.*"] >>> timeImgs = cdl.simpleGetTimeImageCollection(startYear=1984, endYear=2024, startJulian=1, endJulian=365, step=0.1) >>> ccdcImg1 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/lcms-292214/assets/CONUS-LCMS/Base-Learners/CCDC-Collection-1984-2022").select(ccdcBandNames).mosaic() >>> ccdcImg2 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/lcms-292214/assets/CONUS-LCMS/Base-Learners/CCDC-Feathered-Collection").select(ccdcBandNames).mosaic() >>> fittedFeathered = cdl.predictCCDC(ccdcImg=[ccdcImg1, ccdcImg2], timeImgs=timeImgs, fillGaps=True, whichHarmonics=[1, 2, 3], featherStartYr=2015, featherEndYr=2021) >>> Map.addLayer([".*_CCDC_fitted"]), {"reducer": ee.Reducer.mean(), "min": 0.3, "max": 0.8}, "Combined CCDC", True) >>> Map.turnOnInspector() >>> Map.setCenter(-88, 36, 12) >>> Map.view() """ timeBandName = ee.Image(timeImgs.first()).select([0]).bandNames().get(0) if type(ccdcImg).__name__ == "list": ccdcCoeffs1 = img: getCCDCSegCoeffs(img, ccdcImg[0], fillGaps)) ccdcCoeffs2 = img: getCCDCSegCoeffs(img, ccdcImg[1], fillGaps)) ccdcCoeffsCombined = batchFeatherCCDCImgs(ccdcCoeffs1, ccdcCoeffs2, featherStartYr, featherEndYr) else: ccdcCoeffsCombined = img: getCCDCSegCoeffs(img, ccdcImg, fillGaps)) return simpleCCDCPredictionWrapper(ccdcCoeffsCombined, timeBandName, whichHarmonics)
################################################################################### # Function for getting a set of time images # This is generally used for methods such as CCDC # yearStartMonth and yearStartDay are the date that you want the CCDC "year" to start at. This is mostly important for Annualized CCDC. # For LCMS, this is Sept. 1. So any change that occurs before Sept 1 in that year will be counted in that year, and Sept. 1 and after # will be counted in the following year. def getTimeImageCollection( startYear, endYear, startJulian=1, endJulian=365, step=0.1, yearStartMonth=1, yearStartDay=1, ): def getYrImage(n): n = ee.Number(n) img = ee.Image(n).float().rename(["year"]) y = n.int16() fraction = n.subtract(y) d = ee.Date.fromYMD(y.subtract(ee.Number(1)), 12, 31).advance(fraction, "year").millis() return img.set("system:time_start", d) monthDayFraction = ee.Number.parse(ee.Date.fromYMD(startYear, yearStartMonth, yearStartDay).format("DDD")).divide(365) yearImages = ee.ImageCollection( ee.List.sequence( ee.Number(startYear).add(monthDayFraction), ee.Number(endYear).add(monthDayFraction), step, ).map(getYrImage) ) return yearImages.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(startYear, endYear, "year")).filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(startJulian, endJulian)) # Rework of above function to be impler and less buggy for small steps # This method ensures the startJulian is the start for each year, regardless of step interval
[docs] def simpleGetTimeImageCollection( startYear: int, endYear: int, startJulian: int = 1, endJulian: int = 365, step: float = 0.1, ): """ Provides a time series of year and decimal days `ee.ImageCollection`. This is useful for CCDC predictions Args: startYear (int): The starting year for returned time-series. endYear (int): The ending year for the returned time-series. startJulian (int): The starting Julian day of year for returned time-series (1-365). endJulian (int): The ending Julian day of year for returned time-series (1-365). step (float, optional): Fraction of a year for each output in returned time-series (~0.01-1). Defaults to 0.1. Returns: ee.ImageCollection: A collection of time images. >>> import geeViz.changeDetectionLib as cdl >>> Map = cdl.Map >>> ee = >>> timeImgs = cdl.simpleGetTimeImageCollection(startYear = 1984, endYear = 2024, startJulian = 1, endJulian = 365, step = 0.1) >>> Map.addLayer(timeImgs, {}, "Time Images", True) >>> Map.turnOnInspector() >>> Map.view() """ startDayFraction = startJulian / 365 endDayFraction = endJulian / 365 years = ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear) dates = ee.List( yr: ee.List.sequence(ee.Number(yr).add(startDayFraction), ee.Number(yr).add(endDayFraction), step))).flatten() def getYrImage(n): n = ee.Number(n) img = ee.Image(n).float().rename(["year"]) y = n.int16() fraction = n.subtract(y) d = ee.Date.fromYMD(y, 1, 1).advance(fraction, "year").advance(-1, "day").millis() return img.set("system:time_start", d) yearImages = ee.ImageCollection( return yearImages
# This creates an image collection in the same format as getTimeImageCollection(), but gets the pixel-wise dates from a composite collection # Composite collection should be an imported and prepped image collection with 'julianDay' and 'year' bands # def getTimeImageCollectionFromComposites(startJulian, endJulian, compositeCollection): ## Account for date wrapping. If julian day is less than startJulian, add one year. ## For PRUSVI CCDC, Year 2020 is day 152 2020 to day 151 2021 ## For CONUS CCDC, Year 2020 is day 1 2020 to day 365 2020, so it will never be less. # def getWrappedFraction(jDay): # fraction = jDay.divide(365) # nextYearMask = jDay.lte(ee.Image.constant(startJulian)) # thisYearMask = nextYearMask.Not() # nextYearFraction = fraction.updateMask(nextYearMask).add(1) # thisYearFraction = fraction.updateMask(thisYearMask) # fraction = nextYearFraction.addBands(thisYearFraction).reduce(ee.Reducer.max()) # return fraction # medianFraction ='julianDay')\ # .map(lambda jDay: getWrappedFraction(jDay))\ # .reduce(ee.Reducer.median()) # def getYearTimeImage(dateImg): ## Get Unmasked values # newDateImg = ee.Image('year').add('julianDay').divide(365))).copyProperties(dateImg, ['system:time_start']) ## Create values for masked pixels # imgYear ='year'); # medianValues = ee.Image.constant(imgYear).float().add(ee.Image(medianFraction)).rename('median_values'); ## Fill masked Values with median fraction # compositeMask = ee.Image(newDateImg).mask() # out = ee.Image(newDateImg)\ # .addBands(medianValues.updateMask(compositeMask.Not()))\ # .reduce(ee.Reducer.max())\ # .rename('year')\ # .copyProperties(dateImg, ['system:time_start']); # return out # yearImages = dateImg: getYearTimeImage(dateImg)) # return yearImages # def getTimeImageCollectionFromComposites(startJulian, endJulian, compositeCollection): # dates =['year']).add(['julianDay']).divide(365)).float().copyProperties(img,['system:time_start'])) # nYears = dates.size().getInfo() # interpolated = linearInterp(dates, 365*nYears, -32768) # return interpolated def getTimeImageCollectionFromComposites( compositeCollection, startYear=None, endYear=None, interpolate=True, useNewInterpMethod=False, ): compositeCollection = compositeCollection.sort("system:time_start") if startYear == None: startYear = compositeCollection.first().date().get("year") print("Found start year: {}".format(startYear.getInfo())) if endYear == None: endYear = compositeCollection.sort("system:time_start", False).first().date().get("year") print("Found end year: {}".format(endYear.getInfo())) dates = img:["year"]).add(["julianDay"]).divide(365)).float().copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"])) dummyImage = dates.first() datesFilled = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear).map(lambda yr: fillEmptyCollections(dates.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(yr, yr, "year")), dummyImage).first().set("system:time_start", ee.Date.fromYMD(yr, 6, 1).millis()))) if interpolate: print("Interpolating composite time images") if not useNewInterpMethod: nYears = datesFilled.size().getInfo() # print(nYears,endYear.getInfo()-startYear.getInfo()) return linearInterp(datesFilled, 365 * nYears, -32768) else: return new_interp_date_collection(datesFilled) else: return datesFilled ###################################################################################
[docs] def ccdcChangeDetection(ccdcImg: list[ee.Image, ee.Image] | ee.Image, bandName: str, startYear: None | int = None, endYear: None | int = None) -> dict: """ Function for getting change years and magnitudes for a specified band from CCDC outputs Only change from the breaks is extracted. As of now, if a segment has a high slope value, this method will not extract that. If combining two CCDC raw outputs provide them as a list of two images for the `ccdcImg` parameter. Args: ccdcImg (list[ee.Image, ee.Image] | ee.Image): A raw CCDC `ee.Image` array or list of two raw CCDC `ee.Image` arrays. If a list of 2 images is provided, they will automatically be combined. bandName (str): The band name to use for magnitude of change. startYear (None | int): The start of the time window. If left as None, all years in the input CCDC images will be included. Defaults to None. endYear (None | int): The end of the time window (inclusive). If left as None, all years in the input CCDC images will be included. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: A dictionary of various CCDC change metrics. >>> import geeViz.changeDetectionLib as cdl >>> Map = cdl.Map >>> ee = >>> changeDetectionBandName = "NDVI" >>> ccdcChangeBandNames = ["tBreak", "changeProb", f"{changeDetectionBandName}.*"] >>> sortingMethod = "mostRecent" >>> ccdcImg1 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/lcms-292214/assets/CONUS-LCMS/Base-Learners/CCDC-Collection-1984-2022").select(ccdcChangeBandNames).mosaic() >>> ccdcImg2 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/lcms-292214/assets/CONUS-LCMS/Base-Learners/CCDC-Feathered-Collection").select(ccdcChangeBandNames).mosaic() >>> changeObjCombined = cdl.ccdcChangeDetection([ccdcImg1, ccdcImg2], changeDetectionBandName) >>> Map.addLayer(changeObjCombined[sortingMethod]["loss"]["year"], {"min": 1984, "max": 2024, "palette": cdl.lossYearPalette}, "Loss Year") >>> Map.addLayer(changeObjCombined[sortingMethod]["loss"]["mag"], {"min": -0.5, "max": -0.1, "palette": cdl.lossMagPalette}, "Loss Mag", False) >>> Map.addLayer(changeObjCombined[sortingMethod]["gain"]["year"], {"min": 1984, "max": 2024, "palette": cdl.gainYearPalette}, "Gain Year") >>> Map.addLayer(changeObjCombined[sortingMethod]["gain"]["mag"], {"min": 0.05, "max": 0.2, "palette": cdl.gainMagPalette}, "Gain Mag", False) >>> Map.turnOnInspector() >>> Map.setCenter(-88, 36, 12) >>> Map.view() """ magKeys = [".*_magnitude"] tBreakKeys = ["tBreak"] changeProbKeys = ["changeProb"] changeProbThresh = 1 changeBands = [f"{bandName}_magnitude", "tBreak", "changeProb"] # Combine ccdc images if two are provided if type(ccdcImg).__name__ == "list": ccdcImg = ccdcImg[0].select(changeBands).arrayCat(ccdcImg[1].select(changeBands), 0) # Pull out pieces from CCDC output magnitudes = breaks = # Map.addLayer(breaks.arrayLength(0),{'min':1,'max':10}); changeProbs = changeMask = changeProbs.gte(changeProbThresh) magnitudes = + ".*") # Sort by magnitude and years breaksSortedByMag = breaks.arraySort(magnitudes) magnitudesSortedByMag = magnitudes.arraySort() changeMaskSortedByMag = changeMask.arraySort(magnitudes) breaksSortedByYear = breaks.arraySort() magnitudesSortedByYear = magnitudes.arraySort(breaks) changeMaskSortedByYear = changeMask.arraySort(breaks) # Get the loss and gain years and magnitudes for each sorting method highestMagLossYear = breaksSortedByMag.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayFlatten([["loss_year"]]) highestMagLossMag = magnitudesSortedByMag.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayFlatten([["loss_mag"]]) highestMagLossMask = changeMaskSortedByMag.arraySlice(0, 0, 1).arrayFlatten([["loss_mask"]]) highestMagLossYear = highestMagLossYear.updateMask( highestMagLossMag = highestMagLossMag.updateMask( highestMagGainYear = breaksSortedByMag.arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["gain_year"]]) highestMagGainMag = magnitudesSortedByMag.arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["gain_mag"]]) highestMagGainMask = changeMaskSortedByMag.arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["gain_mask"]]) highestMagGainYear = highestMagGainYear.updateMask( highestMagGainMag = highestMagGainMag.updateMask( mostRecentLossYear = breaksSortedByYear.arrayMask([1]).arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["loss_year"]]) mostRecentLossMag = magnitudesSortedByYear.arrayMask([1]).arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["loss_mag"]]) mostRecentLossMask = changeMaskSortedByYear.arrayMask([1]).arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["loss_mask"]]) mostRecentLossYear = mostRecentLossYear.updateMask( mostRecentLossMag = mostRecentLossMag.updateMask( mostRecentGainYear = breaksSortedByYear.arrayMask([1]).arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["gain_year"]]) mostRecentGainMag = magnitudesSortedByYear.arrayMask([1]).arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["gain_mag"]]) mostRecentGainMask = changeMaskSortedByYear.arrayMask([1]).arraySlice(0, -1, None).arrayFlatten([["gain_mask"]]) mostRecentGainYear = mostRecentGainYear.updateMask( mostRecentGainMag = mostRecentGainMag.updateMask( if startYear != None and endYear != None: mostRecentLossYearMask = mostRecentLossYear.gte(startYear).And( + 1)) mostRecentGainYearMask = mostRecentGainYear.gte(startYear).And( + 1)) highestMagLossYearMask = highestMagLossYear.gte(startYear).And( + 1)) highestMagGainYearMask = highestMagGainYear.gte(startYear).And( + 1)) mostRecentLossYear = mostRecentLossYear.updateMask(mostRecentLossYearMask) mostRecentGainYear = mostRecentGainYear.updateMask(mostRecentGainYearMask) highestMagLossYear = highestMagLossYear.updateMask(highestMagLossYearMask) highestMagGainYear = highestMagGainYear.updateMask(highestMagGainYearMask) mostRecentLossMag = mostRecentLossMag.updateMask(mostRecentLossYearMask) mostRecentGainMag = mostRecentGainMag.updateMask(mostRecentGainYearMask) highestMagLossMag = highestMagLossMag.updateMask(highestMagLossYearMask) highestMagGainMag = highestMagGainMag.updateMask(highestMagGainYearMask) return { "mostRecent": { "loss": {"year": mostRecentLossYear, "mag": mostRecentLossMag}, "gain": {"year": mostRecentGainYear, "mag": mostRecentGainMag}, }, "highestMag": { "loss": {"year": highestMagLossYear, "mag": highestMagLossMag}, "gain": {"year": highestMagGainYear, "mag": highestMagGainMag}, }, }
[docs] def featherCCDCImgs(joinedCCDCImg: ee.Image, ccdcBnds: list | ee.List, coeffs1_bns: list | ee.List, coeffs2_bns: list | ee.List, featherStartYr: int, featherEndYr: int) -> ee.Image: """ Function to feather two CCDC collections together based on overlapping data time periods and weights The feather years are the overlapping years between the two CCDC collections that are used in weighting """ yr = ee.Number.parse("YYYY.DDD")) # Find difference between end and start feather years for weighting in feathering diff = ee.Number(featherEndYr).subtract(featherStartYr).float() # Weights that are used to feather ccdc collections together # The clamp ensures weights are constrained to range of feather years weight = yr.subtract(featherStartYr).divide(diff).clamp(0, 1).multiply(-1).add(1) c1 = c2 = m1 = c1.mask() m2 = c2.mask() w1 = m1.multiply(weight) w2 = m2.multiply(ee.Number(1).subtract(weight)) c1 = c1.unmask(0).multiply(w1) c2 = c2.unmask(0).multiply(w2) avg = c1.add(c2).divide(w1.add(w2)).mask(m1.Or(m2)) avg = avg.set("weight", weight) return avg.rename(ccdcBnds).copyProperties(joinedCCDCImg, ["system:time_start"])
[docs] def batchFeatherCCDCImgs(ccdcAnnualizedCol1: ee.ImageCollection, ccdcAnnualizedCol2: ee.ImageCollection, featherStartYr: int, featherEndYr: int) -> ee.ImageCollection: """ Wrapper function to join annualized CCDC images from two different CCDC collections, and iterate across images and apply featherCCDCImgs function The feather years are the overlapping years between the two CCDC collections that are used in weighting """ # Get coeffs band info and rename bands for joined Collection coeffs1 =["year", ".*_coefs_.*"]) coeffs2 =["year", ".*_coefs_.*"]) bns = coeffs1.first().bandNames() coeffs1_bns = bn: ee.String(bn).cat("_1")) coeffs2_bns = bn: ee.String(bn).cat("_2")) coeffs1 =, coeffs1_bns) coeffs2 =, coeffs2_bns) # Join CCDC images together for feathering # coeffs_joined = joinCollections(coeffs1, coeffs2) coeffs_joined = coeffs1.linkCollection(coeffs2, coeffs2_bns, None, "system:time_start") # Apply featherCCDCImgs across images ccdcCol_coeffs_avg = img: featherCCDCImgs(img, bns, coeffs1_bns, coeffs2_bns, featherStartYr, featherEndYr)) return ccdcCol_coeffs_avg